Generative AI applied to audio is only part of the profound transformation the publishing industry is currently experiencing—and will continue to experience in the coming months. Generative audio is having an increasingly significant impact on the production and distribution processes of online information. In fact, 46% of publishers have already invested in audio content (podcasts), and another 26% plan to do so by 2025. AI is viewed both as a powerful ally for simplifying and streamlining production workflows, and as an unknown variable for a business model largely based on generating high volumes of visits and users. Nonetheless, generative AI voice can be a major asset for publishers: it’s no coincidence that 75% plan to use tools for audio generation from their own content (Spoken Articles), 70% aim to leverage it for text summarization, and 65% for instant translation of their content.
For the past three years, Audioboost—with its Speakup-Article™ platform—has been successfully leading this transformation. It has developed a publisher-centric solution backed by patented Adtech that serves publishers by increasing on-site dwell time and engagement rates without losing audience or SEO ranking, while simultaneously monetizing a newly formed, organically grown audience in this fresh audible environment.
Spoken Articles are well-received by listener-users: according an Ipsos Research commissioned by Audioboost, 55% of Italy’s digital population is familiar with them, and 26% have used them at least once equating to roughly 15.5 million people in Italy who listen to Spoken Articles. Of this potential audience, Audioboost manages about 40%, while providing free, on-demand information in an innovative format.
Looking ahead to 2025, we’ll be ready for further challenges: audio newspapers, generative audio descriptions, and full accessibility, up to developing AI-Agents that can interact with a publisher’s own content—always keeping an eye on monetization potential tied to streaming volumes and editorial performance.
We are witnessing the emergence of a new media channel (Spoken Articles) and a new audience (listeners of online streaming content), which Audioboost makes available to advertisers who are most attentive to transformation and innovation,” says Cristina Pianura, CEO of Audioboost. “With around 5 million monthly streams from highly loyal users, the pool of Spoken Article listeners is expanding that of podcasts and digital audio in a fully complementary way.