Audio 2.0


Audio 2.0
Add Audio 2.0 to every Advertising Digital Plan

Enhance the effectiveness of your campaign planning our Spoken Articles.
Buy Less.
Pay for Attention.

Audio 2.0 encompasses all spoken content in the Digital Audio Landscape including Podcasts, Catch Up content, and our Spoken Articles.

Audio 2.0 typically is:

On-demand content

Activated directly by the user

Shared with user's peers

Re-streamed again....and again... and again


Spoken Articles are part of this new category of Audio contents thanks to AI-Voice Generation based on Text-to-Speech technology.

Audioboost is the first AI audio martech enabling Publishers to create thousands upon thousands of Spoken Articles in real time, providing the best experience for users.

Advertising in Audio 2.0 and in each of our Spoken Articles is

8x more efficient

in capturing attention than any other visual advertising strategy.

10X more cost-effective

in ecpm than any other ads formats.

Ask us more

Audioboost implementation is customizable with additional features available on demand.
